Hikers Discover Potential Record-Breaking Sasquatch Footprints and Shelter

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube by the channel Brink Books, where they shared their discovery of some strange footprints on Mt. Hiba in Japan. The channel's hosts, a couple exploring the outdoors, found these peculiar prints while hiking and were intrigued by their size and shape, which they speculated could belong to the elusive Hibagon, Japan's version of Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The right print measured 27 centimeters (10.5 inches) long, which the host mentioned was larger than any previously found Hibagon footprints, mostly attributed to juveniles. The prints showed four digits bunched up and an opposable big toe, which the host compared to an ape-like feature rather than human-like. The location of the prints, at the intersection of a deer trail and a hiking trail, added to the mystery. The host also shared their observation of a pile of sticks behind the footprints, which they found unusual, as it didn't seem like the sticks were collected for any particular purpose. They speculated that the creature might have been planning to stay in the area for some time but was interrupted. As a curator, I find it fascinating to see how different cultures have their own versions of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, each with unique characteristics and behaviors. The Hibagon, also known as the Japanese Bigfoot, is said to be smaller, darker, and more aggressive than its North American counterpart. The host even compared it to the Southern U.S skunk ape or the booger, which are described as smaller and more agitated creatures. The video also sparked my curiosity about the different types of footprints left by various animals. For instance, did you know that bears typically leave five toes in their prints, while primates, like Sasquatch, have opposable thumbs, leaving a different impression? As Bigfoot believers, it's always exciting to come across new evidence or theories about these elusive creatures. While we may not have definitive proof of the Hibagon's existence, the video serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities and the importance of keeping an open mind. I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts on the strange footprints found on Mt. Hiba. Who knows, you might have some insights or knowledge that could help us better understand these mysterious creatures. Remember, the beauty of being a Bigfoot enthusiast is the sense of community and shared curiosity. Let's continue to respect each other's opinions and learn from one another as we explore the world of Sasquatch together. Happy squatching!