Bigfoot's Dark Side: Sinister Encounters & Missing 411 Mystery
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In the latest episode of "Around the Campfire" on The MHS Network, host Hayden and guest Brian Terrell from Red Dirt Cryptid Investigations delve into the darker side of the cryptid phenomenon. The episode touches on some of the more sinister encounters reported by eyewitnesses, including those that involve the infamous "dogman" and the mysterious disappearances of the "missing 411" cases.
Brian Terrell, an experienced cryptid researcher, shares some of the more unsettling encounters he has documented on his website. While most of the cases involve cryptids that are "pretty chill," he notes that there is a small percentage that can be dangerous or even supernatural.
One of the topics discussed in the episode is the "missing 411" cases, which have gained popularity through the work of David Paulides. These cases involve people who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances, often in national parks or forests. While some may be simple accidents, Brian believes that a significant percentage could be related to cryptid activity.
Another interesting topic discussed is the "dogman" phenomenon. Unlike typical Sasquatch encounters, dogman encounters often involve aggressive and eerie behavior. The episode touches on the possibility that these creatures may be territorial and protective of their family areas.
The episode also briefly mentions the possibility of alien abduction scenarios, specifically in relation to the clothing found neatly folded and stacked in mysterious locations during some "missing 411" cases.
If you're interested in learning more about the darker side of the cryptid phenomenon, be sure to check out the full episode on The MHS Network's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay curious about the mysteries that surround us.