Bigfoot: Uncovering a 8-Inch Palm Print Mystery on 'Tape Nation'

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you heard about the latest video from Ohio Paranormal Investigations? The YouTube channel, known for its real and intriguing paranormal findings, has recently shared a clip of what they claim to be physical proof of a Sasquatch - a hand print cast! In the video, the investigator shows off the impressive palm print, which measures about eight inches long and six inches wide. According to the investigator, many good and honest people have contributed to the discoveries made on the channel, including this one. But what's even more fascinating is the science behind the size of the hand print. Did you know that the average human hand is only about 7.5 inches long from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger? This Sasquatch hand print is significantly larger, suggesting that it may belong to a creature of a different species. Of course, the existence of Sasquatch is still a topic of debate among many. But whether you believe in the creature or not, there's no denying the intrigue and excitement that comes with the possibility of its existence. Ohio Paranormal Investigations encourages viewers to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. So, if you're interested in learning more about this hand print cast and other paranormal findings, be sure to check out the video for yourself. Who knows, you may just become a believer.