Bald Peter Butte's 1885 Bigfoot Sighting: A Hairy Discovery

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of the "wild man" sightings in the Cascades of Oregon? According to a video by TCC Research, there were reports of a hair-covered man in the Bald Peter Butte area back in 1885. This wild man was believed to be John McIntyre, who went missing in the mountains two years prior. The video suggests that the wild man was actually a Bigfoot, not a man gone wild. Many early "wild man" stories are now thought to be accounts of Bigfoot encounters. This theory opens up the possibility of discovering even more stories of our elusive friend. But have you ever wondered why some animals, like Bigfoot, have hair all over their bodies? According to Live Science, hair provides insulation, keeping the body warm in cold temperatures. It also protects the skin from sunburn and other environmental hazards. So, if a man were forced to live in the wild without other protection, it's possible that he could grow hair all over his body as a protection against the elements. The TCC Research video also mentions that the wild man was seen eating raw deer flesh. While it's unlikely that Bigfoot would eat raw meat, some animals do. For example, polar bears and lions have been known to eat raw meat in the wild. However, Bigfoot is believed to be an omnivore, eating both plants and small animals. To sum up, the video by TCC Research sheds light on an interesting "wild man" sighting in Oregon and the possibility of it being a Bigfoot encounter. It also provides some fascinating insights into the science behind animal hair and the diet of Bigfoot. Make sure to check out the video and let us know your thoughts!