UK Woman's Encounter with Mysterious Shimmering Being and TN Man's Bigfoot, Water Monster Encounters

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid, a witness from the UK shares her encounter with a small gray being with a faint, shimmering light around it. The witness, who has chosen to remain anonymous, reports hearing footsteps in her garden at night and having a strange, unavoidable feeling of being watched. One night, she spotted the being peering into the window of her next door neighbor's kitchen. The witness describes the being as having a stream-like whistle and being able to turn itself invisible. She also mentions that the motion sensors and dogs belonging to her neighbors did not activate or bark, leading her to believe that the being was not hostile. Despite this, the witness was left feeling anxious and unable to sleep properly for several months. While this encounter is not directly related to Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it is still a fascinating and intriguing account of an unexplained phenomenon. It is also a reminder that the world is full of mysteries and that there is still much that we do not understand. In the same video, the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid also shares a collection of true stories from a witness named Strider, who grew up in the Las Casas area of Tennessee. These stories, which are Bigfoot related, include encounters with unusual noises in the woods, such as the sound of tool striking wood and what sounded like a woman screaming. Strider also describes seeing a large, human-like creature covered in brown fur and with a shimmering aura around it. These stories, along with the witness's account from the UK, serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to consider the possibility of the existence of unknown and mysterious creatures. It is also worth noting that the witness from the UK mentioned the use of a blanket to cover her kitchen window, as a way to feel more comfortable and secure. This simple action serves as a reminder that sometimes, taking small steps to protect ourselves and our homes can help us feel more at ease, even in the face of the unknown. To sum up, the video posted to Dixie Cryptid's YouTube channel is a fascinating and intriguing collection of unexplained phenomena and Bigfoot related stories. It is a reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to consider the possibility of the existence of unknown and mysterious creatures. It also highlights the value of taking small steps to protect ourselves and our homes, even in the face of the unknown. We encourage our readers to watch the video and to share their own thoughts and experiences with us.