Bigfoot Sightings in Florida: Researcher Marie Dumont Shares Insights

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel JFree906, hosts Jeff and Marie Dumont of the Mid Florida Bigfoot Research Group discuss their experiences and thoughts on the existence of Bigfoot. The video, titled "Expedition Bigfoot - Season 10 Episodes 14-15 Recap" delves into the team's investigations and encounters with the elusive creature. Marie Dumont, a paranormal investigator with over 30 years of experience, shares her journey from ghost hunting to Bigfoot research. She is the founder of the Mid Florida Bigfoot Research Group on Facebook and YouTube, as well as the Mid Florida Bigfoot Research Team. Marie and her team are dedicated researchers, spending every weekend in the field, sometimes multiple times a week. During the video, Marie talks about her experience at Phenomicon in Vernal, Utah, and her encounter with Russell Acord. She also mentions her team's upcoming appearance at the Great Florida Bigfoot Conference in Ocala, Florida on April 22nd. Jeff brings up the topic of interdimensional beings and the possibility of Bigfoot using portals to move between dimensions. This idea is often discussed in the Bigfoot community, as it could explain the creature's elusive nature and the lack of concrete evidence. As a curator of this video, I find it fascinating to see the different perspectives and theories surrounding Bigfoot. While the video doesn't provide definitive proof of the creature's existence, it does offer an interesting discussion and insight into the experiences of Bigfoot researchers. In addition to the Bigfoot talk, the video touches on the topic of the giant squid, which was once considered mythological. The discovery of these creatures in recent years has sparked curiosity and speculation about the existence of other elusive beings, such as Bigfoot. To sum up, this video from JFree906 offers an engaging conversation about Bigfoot and the possibility of interdimensional travel. It also highlights the dedication of researchers like Marie Dumont and her team, who spend countless hours in the field pursuing their passion. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot and the ongoing search for this elusive creature, be sure to check out the video and follow the Mid Florida Bigfoot Research Group on Facebook and YouTube.