Missouri Soldier's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter at Fort Leonard Wood
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video from TCC Research, we delve into the fascinating world of Bigfoot sightings in Pulaski County, Missouri. The video features several intriguing accounts of encounters with this elusive creature, including some from soldiers training at Fort Leonard Wood.
One of the most compelling stories comes from Eric Youngdahl, who was in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood back in May 1982. While on guard duty, Youngdahl and his partner were assigned the furthest outpost, a bridge crossing the training site. As they were being driven to their post, Youngdahl saw something large crossing the road about 40 feet away. He knew it wasn't a bear and described the bipedal creature as having shaggy brown to light brown hair covering its entire body, with a possible sagittal crest. The sighting lasted for about 10 seconds, and Youngdahl was left wondering what he had just witnessed.
Another interesting account comes from a family driving just north of Waynesville during the winter of 1988-89. As they were driving on Highway 17, they saw a seven to eight-foot-tall being covered in hair, standing frozen still in the middle of the road. Both cars came to a stop, and the figure stood there for about 30 seconds before looking off the roadway and into the Rubidoux Creek gasconade river. The family quickly drove off, leaving the mysterious figure behind.
More recently, in September 2012, an adult daughter was visiting her mother when they heard a screaming sound coming from less than 150 feet away. The mother, who had lived in the country for most of her life, described the sound as loud and remarkable, unlike anything she had ever heard before. When they couldn't find a match for the sound on the internet, they turned to Bigfoot recordings and realized that was exactly what they had heard.
In addition to these accounts, the video also touches on the unique topography of the surrounding area, which includes Bluffs, valleys, woods, and caves. This diverse landscape provides the perfect habitat for a variety of wildlife, including Bigfoot.
So, whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a curious observer, this video from TCC Research is definitely worth a watch. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot sightings in Pulaski County, Missouri, and serves as a reminder that there is still so much we don't know about the natural world around us.