Possible Bigfoot Sighting in Michigan: Witness Captures Mohawk-Crested Creature on Video

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch. The video titled "RMSO Obtains Full Video of Marquette Sasquatch Shown at End of Bigfoot Break Down" caught my attention as it features a sighting of a Sasquatch near Marquette, Michigan. In the video, Rodney, the gentleman who captured the footage, was hiking near Autrain Falls when he saw something unusual. At first, he didn't realize what he had captured, but upon reviewing the video, he saw a Sasquatch in the upper left-hand side of the screen. The creature appeared to have a mohawk on its sagittal crest, with no hair on the sides of its head and face until you get down to its ears, back, and neck. The video is several minutes long, but the Sasquatch only appears for a few seconds. However, the screenshots of the original footage are a little bit better, and they show the creature's face, eyes, nose, and sagittal crest. One interesting bit of information that was mentioned in the video is that Bigfoot is known for making rock stacks. While it doesn't necessarily mean that a person didn't create the rock stack in this video, it's still a fascinating fact. Sasquatch researchers have found these rock stacks in various locations, and they believe that they are a form of communication or marking of territory. Rodney also mentioned that he saw a rock structure before getting up to the waterfall. While he didn't see the Sasquatch until later, it's possible that the creature was nearby. Overall, this video is a great addition to the Bigfoot community. It's always exciting to see new footage and hear about sightings from around the country. If you're interested in watching the video, you can find it on the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel. Who knows, you might even spot the Sasquatch yourself!