Bobo's Monkey Army: A Bigfoot Insider's Story - Tom Yamarone on the Podcast
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In a recent episode of the Bigfoot and Beyond Podcast, hosts Cliff Berkman and James "Bobo" Fay had a special guest – Tom Yamarone, also known as the "Bigfoot Balladeer." Tom is a long-time friend of Bobo and has been a significant influence in Cliff's life for decades.
During the episode, an intriguing message caught their attention. A listener from Nicaragua claimed that Bobo's story about the "monkey army" was causing ripples in various communities, not just the Bigfoot community. The listener revealed that Bobo's sailboat and Johnny, the man with the monkey army, were still in North Nicaragua. According to the message, Johnny had married a woman with children, and his monkeys were too vicious, so he had to let them go, except for one.
This revelation sparked curiosity among the podcast hosts and listeners, as Bobo's stories have a reputation for being true, despite their seemingly outrageous nature. For instance, Bobo once claimed to have saved people in Hellsgate, and there was a newspaper article to back it up.
Tom Yamarone, the Bigfoot Balladeer, is known for his Bigfoot-themed songs, some of which are considered classics in the Bigfoot community. He wrote "Bigfoot the Living Legend" and "Roger and Bob" after a camping trip in the Sierras with a friend named Tom Cousineau. Tom has also been a part of various Bigfoot events and conferences, including the Willow Creek International Bigfoot Symposium and the Bellingham Sasquatch Research Conference.
While the focus of the episode was Tom Yamarone, the Nicaraguan message about the monkey army was a fascinating side note. It's always intriguing when a seemingly outlandish story turns out to have a grain of truth, as it seems to be the case with Bobo's monkey army tale.
If you're interested in learning more about Tom Yamarone and his music, or if you'd like to hear more about Bobo's monkey army, be sure to check out the Bigfoot and Beyond Podcast episode featuring Tom Yamarone. You can find it on their YouTube channel, Bigfoot and Beyond Podcast. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get an update on the Nicaraguan monkey army and the mysterious Johnny.