New Bigfoot Sighting in Utah? RMSO Investigates 2016 Encounter
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating video on YouTube from the channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch. The video features a firsthand account of a possible Bigfoot encounter near Pete's Cabin above Devils Hole in Manaway, Utah. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, shares their experience of being in the area during an elk hunt and encountering a large black shape that they couldn't explain away as a known animal.
The witness describes the creature as having a left arm retracting down from the treetop and a body turning and crouching. They were able to see part of its head and one eye clearly, and when they tried to scare it away, the creature responded with a growl. The witness initially thought they might have seen a moose standing on its hind legs, but upon further reflection, they realized that the explanation didn't make sense.
The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch team, who were already searching the area due to previous Bigfoot sighting reports, responded to the witness's account with interest. They point out that moose don't growl and that the witness's description of the creature's movements and appearance don't match those of a moose. The team also shares a video of a moose they filmed in the same area, which they believe the witness may have mistaken for a Bigfoot.
But the witness remains unconvinced that what they saw was a moose. They describe the creature as having a left arm with fingers, which is not a characteristic of a moose. The team at Rocky Mountain Sasquatch agrees that the witness's description doesn't match that of a moose and encourages the witness to keep an open mind about what they may have seen.
What I found particularly interesting about this video is the witness's initial attempt to explain away what they saw as a known animal. This is a common reaction when people encounter something they can't immediately identify. But as the witness reflects on their experience, they realize that the explanation doesn't make sense. This highlights the importance of taking the time to reflect on and analyze our experiences, as well as being open to the possibility that there may be things in the world that we don't yet understand.
In addition to the Bigfoot encounter, the video also touches on the importance of conservation in the Manaway area. The witness describes the beauty of the area and the importance of preserving it for future generations. This is a reminder that protecting the natural world is not only important for the creatures that live there, but also for the enjoyment and education of future generations.
Overall, the video from Rocky Mountain Sasquatch is a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter and a reminder of the importance of taking the time to reflect on and analyze our experiences. I encourage everyone to watch the video and keep an open mind about the possibility of Bigfoot's existence. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof that these elusive creatures are out there. Until then, we'll keep on squatching!