Investigator Recounts Childhood Encounter with Bigfoot in Scotland

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Deborah Hatswell #BBR, Deborah interviews her friend and fellow witness, Charmaine Fraser, about their experiences with the UK Wildman. Charmaine, who is an investigator herself, had a sighting at a young age and has since investigated several cases. During the interview, Charmaine describes the creature she saw as having a chest, shoulders, and head, but she never saw its face as it was turning away. She notes that the closest thing she can find to match the description is Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Charmaine emphasizes that she can't definitively prove that she saw Bigfoot, but the similarities between her sighting and descriptions from the United States are striking. Charmaine also shares that her brother, who worked on survey boats in the North Sea, had an encounter with a "Bigfoot please come to the bridge" announcement while below decks. This sighting occurred in a vast forested area, which has since been largely cleared for property development. In addition to their personal experiences, Charmaine and Deborah discuss the prevalence of sightings in areas with hills and woods, rather than rugged landscapes. They note that many sightings occur when people are out walking their dogs or going about their daily routines, rather than in remote wilderness areas. Charmaine also reflects on the trauma of her sighting at a young age and how it shaped her worldview. She emphasizes the importance of making up her own mind about what she saw, rather than relying on others' opinions. Throughout the interview, Charmaine and Deborah demonstrate a deep respect for the unknown and the possibility of the existence of creatures like Bigfoot. They encourage viewers to keep an open mind and share their own experiences. As curators of this video, we encourage readers to watch the full interview and draw their own conclusions. The mystery of the UK Wildman remains unsolved, but the stories and experiences shared by Charmaine and Deborah serve as a reminder of the power of the unknown and the importance of keeping an open mind. In addition to the intrigue of the UK Wildman, the interview touches on the importance of preserving natural habitats and the potential consequences of development on wildlife. As more and more forests are cleared for property development, the impact on local wildlife is an important consideration. So, whether you're a Bigfoot believer or simply intrigued by the unknown, this video is worth a watch. Who knows, you may even be inspired to share your own sighting or experience.