Bigfoot Encounters in Niagara: Share Your Own Sightings

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Upper Canada Sasquatch: Sharing Viewer Experiences in Niagara Have you ever heard strange noises in the woods or found mysterious footprints in the mud? If so, you're not alone. The YouTube channel Upper Canada Sasquatch recently shared a video where a viewer shares their experiences and stories from the Niagara region in Ontario, Canada. The viewer's first experience took place in the mid-1950s when their friend's mother was told by her parents never to go near the cave behind the small falls by Cataract Road on the property. When the viewer's friend asked her mother why, she was simply told never to ask why again. This story is a common one in the world of Sasquatch research, as many people report being warned as children to stay away from certain areas where these elusive creatures are said to roam. In the mid-1960s, the viewer's father and uncles used to hunt in Short Hills before it was a Provincial Park. They noticed a strange triangle of land that the hunting dogs would not enter. The dogs would whimper and put their tails between their legs, indicating that something was causing them distress. This behavior has been reported by many hunters and dog owners, and is often attributed to the presence of a Sasquatch. When the viewer was 12, they went hiking with their brother and a friend in mid-April. A freak snowstorm blew in, and they could hear something following them about a minute behind. They initially thought it was just an employee coming to give them hell, but as they hid in a cabin, they could hear something pacing back and forth outside and making a huffing sound. When they went back outside, they found big slushy prints in the snow. The viewer also shared a story about finding what could have been a Sasquatch bed or nest. They described it as a large, flat area with leaves and branches arranged in a circular pattern. This type of behavior is consistent with what many researchers believe to be the habitat of Sasquatch. In addition to these stories, the viewer also shared sightings of strange figures in the woods and on the road. They described seeing something with red eyes shuffling back and forth on the road, and something tall and strange running across the road in a snowstorm. These stories are a great reminder that the world is full of mysteries and unexplained phenomena. Whether you believe in Sasquatch or not, it's always fascinating to hear about other people's experiences and encounters in the great outdoors. If you have had any experiences in the Niagara region or anywhere else in Ontario, Upper Canada Sasquatch encourages you to share them in the comments below or by emailing them at [email protected]. It's good to note that Sasquatch is not considered a beast or an animal, but rather a elusive and mysterious creature that has been reported for centuries by indigenous people and modern-day eyewitnesses. The scientific community remains skeptical, but the evidence and eyewitness accounts continue to mount. In the meantime, we can all enjoy the stories and experiences shared by others, and keep an open mind about the possibility of Sasquatch and other mysterious creatures that may be lurking in the woods. Sources: * Upper Canada Sasquatch YouTube Channel * The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization * The Sasquatch Genome Project * The North American Wood Ape Conservancy * The International Society of Cryptozoology.