Changing Game Cams: Possible Bigfoot Tracks Unearthed in Rainy Mountains
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll appreciate this recent video from TCC Research. The channel's host takes us along on a Bigfooting adventure, sharing his experiences and insights.
He's been busy this year with the heavy rainfall and the pandemic, but he's still managing to get out there and explore. When asked if he's still "Bigfooting," he confidently replies, "of course I am." He may have found many of the answers he was looking for, but there's always more to learn.
During this particular outing, the researcher is switching out game cams that have been in the woods for almost two months. He's curious to see if they've captured any interesting footage. While he's there, he also keeps an eye out for tracks, sharing his knowledge about what to look for and how to distinguish them from other animal tracks.
One interesting aspect of the video is the discussion about game cams. The researcher shares his concerns about batteries dying and cards filling up due to wind movement or animals triggering the cameras. This is a great reminder for anyone using game cams in their own Bigfoot research.
Although the video doesn't show any definitive evidence of Bigfoot, it's always exciting to join someone on their journey and learn from their experiences. The host's passion for Bigfooting is contagious, and his dedication to the pursuit is inspiring.
Remember, if you're interested in this video, be sure to check it out on YouTube and subscribe to TCC Research for more Bigfoot content. And if you have any Bigfoot sightings or experiences of your own, don't hesitate to share them with us here at Squatchable. We're always eager to learn from our readers and fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts.
In the meantime, happy Bigfooting!