Bigfoot's Bioluminescent 'I Glow' Explained by Researcher

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of the phenomenon known as "I glow"? No, not the kind of glow you might see from a flashlight or a campfire, but a mysterious glow that some people believe is emitted from the eyes of certain hominids. If this is the first time you're hearing about it, you're not alone. I recently came across a video from the YouTube channel Hastings County Sasquatch, where a researcher named Richard discussed his experiences with "I glow" while out in the field. Richard has been researching and observing hominids for over 10 years and has had many experiences with them. He mentioned that the "I glow" phenomenon is unique to these hominids and is a form of bioluminescence. According to Richard, the mechanism behind this phenomenon is that there are light-emitting organs in the eye, called photophores, which are typically found in deep-sea creatures. He also mentioned that the white part of the eye, called the sclera, and the iris could also emit light. During one of his expeditions in Iowa, Richard met a physicist named Dr. Tom Rue, who proposed a mechanism for eye glow. Dr. Rue suggested that there would be a layer of reflecting lenses that would reflect the light out, and a layer of chromatophores that would absorb the light, preventing it from coming back into the eye. Richard also mentioned that the hominids have the ability to change the color of their eyes, and this is controlled through their central nervous system. Richard's experiences with "I glow" are not unique to him. There have been other reports of this phenomenon from other researchers and witnesses. For example, Stabila Irwin, an artist and researcher, documented her experience with "I glow" in Canada. Richard mentioned that her artwork is an excellent representation of what people could see in this situation. While "I glow" is not directly related to Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it is still a fascinating phenomenon that adds to the mystery and intrigue of these elusive creatures. As a curator of interesting videos and information related to Bigfoot and other hominids, I believe that it's essential to share this kind of information with our readers. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof of "I glow" and what it means for the world of hominid research. In the meantime, I encourage you to check out the video from Hastings County Sasquatch and learn more about Richard's experiences with "I glow." It's an intriguing and thought-provoking phenomenon that adds to the mystery and allure of these elusive creatures. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof of "I glow" and what it means for the world of hominid research.