Ohio Witness Encounters Jet-Black Bigfoot in Strip Mine, 1997

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you ever heard of the term "strip mine"? If not, let me enlighten you. A strip mine is a type of mining operation where the overlying soil and rock are removed to reveal the mineral deposits underneath. This method is commonly used for coal mining, and it can leave a lasting impact on the landscape. But that's not what we're here to talk about today. Instead, we're going to delve into a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter that took place near a strip mine in Coshocton County, Ohio. The witness, who chose to remain anonymous, was checking out an alleged beaver or badger den in the area. As they were hiking back to their jeep, they heard some commotion up on the hillside above them. At first, they assumed it was a bunch of deer, but the movement continued and got closer. The witness then heard what sounded like footsteps right above them, and they pulled out their bear mace for protection. As they continued hiking, they heard more movement and started to get worried that it might be a black panther or cougar. But then, something unexpected happened. The witness heard a "crunch crunch crunch crunch" sound right over their head, and when they looked up, they saw a jet-black object squatted down in the woods. At first, they thought it was a person, but as the object stood up, they noticed its flat profile and big ears. The witness tried to take a picture, but their camera made too much noise, and the object turned and walked away. The witness then ran up the hill, trying to follow the object, and heard what sounded like an elephant coming down the woodline. This account is a great reminder of the mysterious and unexplained creatures that may still be out there, waiting to be discovered. While we don't have any concrete evidence of Bigfoot's existence, stories like this one keep the intrigue and excitement alive. So, the next time you're out hiking or exploring, keep your eyes and ears open. You never know what you might encounter! And if you do happen to capture any evidence of Bigfoot, be sure to share it with us here at Squatchable. We'd love to hear from you. In the meantime, check out the video below for more details on this fascinating encounter. And as always, happy squatching!