New York Family's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter and Coyote Response
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory, a father and his sons share their encounter with a Sasquatch in New York. The two younger sons had been ice fishing while walking down a road when they spotted something unusual.
The father shared that he and his wife had an encounter a few years prior, when they smelled a strange odor that reminded them of garbage. They didn't think much of it at the time, but later realized that it could have been a Sasquatch.
The sons then described seeing something black cross the road in front of them. They couldn't be sure what it was, but it didn't seem like a bear or any other animal they were familiar with.
The family didn't think much of it until they started watching Bigfoot videos on YouTube. The sons recognized the creature they had seen as a Sasquatch, and the father believed them.
Later, the family went camping on a neighbor's property. They built a fire and settled in for the night, but the father couldn't sleep. He heard noises in the distance that sounded like a rabbit or a fox, but then something much larger and closer sounded like it was right outside their tent.
The father grabbed his flashlight and opened the tent door, but there was nothing there. However, they then heard three distinct whoops, which the father recognized as a Sasquatch call. He had researched the sounds and knew that it was a common vocalization for the creature.
The family was understandably shaken by the encounter, but grateful to have had the experience. They encourage others to keep an open mind and an eye out for Sasquatches in their own travels.
In addition to the fascinating Sasquatch encounter, the video also touches on the subject of lightning bugs. These bioluminescent insects are actually beetles, and their light is produced by a chemical reaction in their bodies. The light is used to attract mates and can be seen in many parts of the world during the summer months.
So, whether you're a believer in Sasquatches or just enjoy learning about the natural world, this video is definitely worth a watch. Who knows, you might just have your own encounter one day.