Bigfoot Sightings in New York & Florida: Unveiling the Overlooked Evidence

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Crypto Reality, host Mark discusses the state of Bigfoot research and shares some exciting new footage. Mark starts off the video by expressing his frustration with the mainstream dismissal of Bigfoot evidence. He points out the irony of conventions that focus on stories and speculation, while ignoring the wealth of video evidence available online. He also touches on the strange phenomenon of the YouTube algorithm seemingly suppressing their videos when they release high-quality evidence. Despite these challenges, Mark remains optimistic and is excited to share some new footage from New York City, captured by Captain Brian. The footage shows what appears to be a Bigfoot-like creature moving behind a marina. Mark notes that the creature looks similar to those seen in Florida, where he and his team have been conducting field research. Mark also shares some insights from their research in Florida, where they have discovered that Bigfoots are highly adaptable and have developed behaviors to stay hidden while still being close to human activity. He encourages beginners to not rely solely on their own vision and to pay attention to all the data available when they go into the field. One interesting bit that Mark shares is the fact that pigeons have better vision than humans, reminding us to not underestimate the abilities of these elusive creatures. Overall, the video serves as a reminder of the importance of field research and the need to continue to gather and share evidence of Bigfoot's existence. Mark's enthusiasm and passion for the subject are infectious, and his insights and experiences provide valuable information for anyone interested in Bigfoot research. If you're interested in seeing the new footage and learning more about Mark's research, be sure to check out the full video on the Crypto Reality YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!