Bigfoot Breathing & Ominous Presence: Sasquatch Investigators' Chilling Encounter in Colorado

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In the world of the paranormal and cryptozoology, there's always something new and intriguing to explore. Recently, I came across a fascinating video from the YouTube channel TCC Research, featuring Teresa and Jeff Yelek from the SAS box investigators of the Rockies. In this first episode of Crypto Tracker Chronicles, the Yeleks share their experiences and evidence collected in Central and Northern Colorado. As paranormal enthusiasts and researchers, we're always eager to learn about new investigations and evidence. The Yeleks have been investigating reports of cryptozoological creatures in Colorado for years, and their dedication is evident in their work. With a team of nine investigators, they've had some incredible experiences and have gathered compelling evidence. During the interview, Teresa shared a particularly memorable encounter where she heard a Bigfoot breathing behind her while camping. The trust the creature showed in her by not revealing itself was both impressive and humbling. Jeff, too, had a close call when a Bigfoot was walking just outside their campfire, snapping twigs and creating an ominous presence. The Yeleks are not only active in the field but also engage with the online crypto investigation community. They prefer to focus on their own work, offering valuable insights and lessons learned from their experiences. They believe that the metaphysical side of the Sasquatch phenomenon, such as cloaking, portals, and mind speak, is still largely unexplored and open for speculation. One aspect of Bigfoot research that has garnered much attention is eye shine. The Yeleks have observed different colors of eye shine, with the most prevalent being a light blue light. They are still researching the significance of these colors and whether they might be associated with the creatures' moods or individual beings. Balancing their research with their personal lives can be challenging, but the Yeleks have found support from their family and even some customers at Walmart, where Teresa works. Their research has opened up conversations and interest in the unknown among those they encounter. As Bigfoot believers, we're always excited to learn more about these elusive creatures and the experiences of those who study them. The Yeleks' work with the SAS box investigators of the Rockies offers a unique perspective and valuable insights into the world of cryptozoology. Make sure to check out the full video on TCC Research's YouTube channel and keep an eye out for future episodes of Crypto Tracker Chronicles.