Bigfoot Arches and Bear Encounters: A Thrilling Search for Ginseng and Sasquatch

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel TCC Research, titled "Mountain Time | Send in the Bears!", the channel's host takes us on a journey through the mountains in search of ginseng and signs of Bigfoot activity. As the host explores the area, he comes across some structures that he believes to be "Bigfoot arches", which are formed when Bigfoot pins up old dead limbs under fallen trees. He also finds a fresh tree break and some large footprints, but is unsure if they belong to Bigfoot or not. However, the real excitement of the video comes when the host encounters a family of black bears. He is able to get up close and personal with the bears as they climb trees to eat hickory nuts. The host emphasizes the importance of being cautious and respectful when encountering bears in their natural habitat. The video also touches on the topic of ginseng, a plant that is highly sought after for its medicinal properties. The host explains that ginseng is becoming increasingly rare due to overharvesting, and encourages those who find it to leave some behind for future generations. Towards the end of the video, the host shares his belief that the Bigfoot in this area are predominantly a very black color, which can make it difficult to distinguish them from black bears. He stresses the importance of being sure of what you're looking at before making any conclusions. Overall, the video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research and the beauty of nature. The host's respect for the wildlife and the land is evident throughout, making it a great watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast or nature lover.