Bigfoot Investigator Encounters 14-Foot Sasquatch named Indigo: Cloaking, Mind Speak, and Portals
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
In the latest episode of the Crypto Tracker Chronicles, host Leon Drew interviews Arla Williams, a researcher, investigator, and storyteller of Sasquatch Bigfoot and other forest legends. Arla has had a lifetime of experiences with these creatures, starting from when she was just six years old and her grandmother began teaching her about them.
Arla's grandmother had a deep understanding of Sasquatch, having grown up in the Boston mountains of Arkansas and spending every available moment running around in the woods. She taught Arla to have respect for all parts of her heritage, including her Cherokee and Choctaw blood, and to always approach Sasquatch with respect.
One of the most interesting topics that Arla discusses in this episode is the phenomenon of cloaking, where Sasquatch seem to disappear before people's eyes. She explains that this is not camouflage, but rather a different kind of phenomenon that has not been proven by science. Arla has also experienced mind speak, where she has heard Sasquatch communicate with each other telepathically.
Arla currently lives in Southeast Oklahoma and has had multiple encounters with a group of Sasquatch on her property, which she refers to as habituation visitation. She has a special relationship with one young male Sasquatch named Indigo, who she has interacted with for many years.
One particularly memorable encounter with Indigo occurred when Arla had guests over and they all heard Indigo and another Sasquatch howling in the woods. Arla's friend Stuart was so amazed by the experience that it changed him forever.
In addition to her experiences with Sasquatch, Arla is also knowledgeable about other forest legends and enjoys sharing her stories and insights with others. She encourages everyone to approach these creatures with respect and an open mind.
If you're interested in learning more about Arla's experiences and insights, be sure to check out the full episode of the Crypto Tracker Chronicles. And as always, remember to approach Sasquatch with respect and an open mind.