Mysterious Hand Grabbed Woman's Leg

Posted Friday, January 04, 2019

By staff

Camper says a hand grabbed his wife's leg, the next morning they found some very large, muddy fingerprints on their car where the wife was touched. Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Charles L.: I interviewed the witnesses telephonically on 18 November 2018. I mostly spoke with C----, the wife of the gentleman who filed the report. One note of correction: This event took place near Cold Creek Campground, not Coldwater Creek Campground. I’ve synopsized C----‘s statements below… “We own a 1995 Mitsubishi Montero SUV. We modified the back end of it by adding a sleeping platform where we sleep when we are camping. We have a pet rabbit that travels with us. When we got to Cold Creek Campground and found it was full we drove further up the road and pulled off into an old clear cut to spend the night. It was about 11:00 PM when we got there. Because the air temperature was mild we left the side windows open when we went to bed. The night was dark, with not much of a moon. “Late in the night I was awakened by the sound of our rabbit scrambling around. It was up in the front seat area of the car. I had been sleeping on the platform in the back, on the driver’s side of the vehicle. I was on my side, with my body facing towards the outside of the car. As I was reaching forward to check on the rabbit I suddenly felt something grab my leg, near the knee. It felt like a hand. It pushed down firmly on my leg, then slid down my leg about an inch. “I instinctively pulled away from the touch and completely froze! I was too scared to look out the window. I heard two soft footfalls on the driver side of the car, the side I was on. They sounded to be moving away from me. “I never went back to sleep! About 5:30 AM I finally had to get out of the car because I needed to go to the bathroom. That’s when we found the palm print and fingerprints on the window of the car. My husband photographed them with his cell phone. The prints are much larger than a normal human’s prints. “This is the second time we’ve had a nighttime visitor while camping. The first time, we were camping in the Mt. Baker area. It was earlier in the summer. At that time we heard some really deep hooting sounds. Almost like an owl, but so deep and resonate that we could feel the sounds in our chests. The sounds were close and made us so nervous that we decided to leave. We packed up and went home because of it. An interesting note is that both times we’ve had possible bigfoot activity we had our rabbit in the car with us.” I found C----‘s story to be compelling and it was obvious that recalling the incident was an emotional situation for her. I could hear the fear in her voice while she was describing the event to me. I explained to C--- that sasquatches seem to have an overpowering curiosity about humans which causes some sasquatches to approach under the cover of darkness to further investigate “intruders.” I don’t know if the presence of the pet rabbit enhanced the curiosity of a sasquatch, but it’s an interesting thought that perhaps the rabbit was scrambling about because a giant ape was peering at it through the window? via (Link: Cold Creek Campground: