Woodsman's Encounter with Russian Bigfoot and 2019 Sightings

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from The Facts By Howtohunt .com, we explore an intriguing story about an encounter with an Almas, the Russian equivalent of our beloved Sasquatch. The video, titled "4/24/2023 See What I Recorded In Remote B.C. And Listen to This Not So Common Persons Story," takes us on a journey to a remote floating cabin in British Columbia, Canada. As the video host shares his own experiences and emails from viewers, we're introduced to a fascinating tale from the Caucasus Mountain Range in southern Russia and Northern Georgia of Eastern Europe. The story takes place in the early 1900s during a cold snap when a woodsman and trapper discovered a female Almas and her newborn baby seeking warmth in his cabin. After providing them shelter for the night, the Almas and her baby disappeared when the weather warmed up. The video host also shares a similar story from Finland, where a park ranger befriended a female Alma and her son for a few seasons. These stories remind us of the kindness and compassion that can bridge the gap between different species, even in the realm of the unknown. In addition to the Almas stories, the video touches upon the topic of how different countries approach the subject of these elusive beings. While Russia acknowledges their existence, North America, unfortunately, lags behind in accepting the truth. As we learn more about these incredible stories, we also get a glimpse into the world of Sasquatch believers. Tamika, a viewer who initially didn't believe in Sasquatch, shares her own encounters, which led her to become a firm believer. Her experiences, which include seeing a Sasquatch on the side of the road and hearing their howls, further solidify the existence of these magnificent creatures. Another viewer, David, shares his unsettling experience of hearing footsteps in Tar Hollow State Forest in Southeast Ohio. Despite not seeing the source of the sounds, he is convinced that it was not a human or a deer but something else entirely. As curators of these captivating stories, we encourage our readers to watch the video and share their own experiences. By doing so, we foster a community that embraces the unknown and continues to explore the fascinating world of Sasquatch and other mysterious beings.