Mountain Game Cameras Capture Mysterious Creatures - Bigfoot Sightings?

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel TCC Research, host Jason Morse takes us on a behind-the-scenes look at his preparations for a day of scouting in the mountains. As a fellow Bigfoot enthusiast, I was excited to see what new discoveries he might make on this outing. Morse starts off by sharing his plan to retrieve his game cameras, which have been out in the field for 29 days. With the memory cards likely full, he's eager to see what critters have been captured on film. He also mentions the possibility of feral hogs in the area, a new development that could make for interesting encounters while out in the wilderness. One thing that caught my attention was Morse's decision to carry a gun for protection. While he emphasizes that he would never shoot a Bigfoot, he recognizes the need to be prepared for other potentially dangerous creatures such as bears and cougars. This is a reminder for all of us to prioritize safety when venturing into the great outdoors. As Morse heads out, he also shares his plan to review and possibly share any interesting footage from his game cameras. I always enjoy seeing the diverse wildlife that can be found in different areas, and I'm sure many of you do too. In addition to his scouting plans, Morse also touches on the importance of being aware of our impact on the environment. He mentions that he tries to leave as little trace as possible when out in the wilderness, which is a practice that I think we can all get behind. Overall, this video from TCC Research is a great glimpse into the preparations and mindset of a fellow Bigfoot enthusiast. I'm looking forward to seeing what Morse discovers on this outing and any future videos he may share. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the TCC Research YouTube channel. And as always, happy Squatching!