Child's Encounter with Mysterious Wild Man of Kentucky: A Bigfoot Subspecies?

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent episode of Bigfoot Pad Paranormal Radio, host Jeremy Meador interviewed Philip Spencer, a researcher known for his studies on the "Wild Man of Kentucky," a creature said to inhabit the Kentucky area. Joining Jeremy were co-hosts Tim and Nick. Philip Spencer, a Kentucky native now residing in Virginia, shared his early encounter with a mysterious three-toed track he discovered in a field at the age of ten. It wasn't until many years later, when he was researching online, that he discovered others had seen similar tracks connected to Bigfoot sightings. This experience sparked a lifelong curiosity about cryptids and other oddities in life. When asked to define the "Wild Man of Kentucky," Philip explained that the term has been used historically for centuries, including by Native Americans, as a reference to Bigfoot. The Wild Man of Kentucky is specifically linked to Panther Rock, a cave in Anderson County, where various strange and bizarre events have occurred. During the interview, Philip also discussed the Fraser Howe recording, an eerie sound that has been analyzed by several institutions without a definitive conclusion as to its origin. He mentioned that the recording was made near a property where a 20-inch three-toed track was found, and that the area has a long history of unusual stories. The discussion then turned to the topic of three-toed tracks found in the Southern United States, which differ from the typical five-toed prints associated with Bigfoot. Philip mentioned that he was not completely convinced that these three-toed tracks belong to the same creature as the more commonly seen Bigfoot. When asked if he had personally seen a Bigfoot, Philip recounted a sighting in Boonsboro, Anderson County, in 1970. While driving with a friend, they spotted a massive creature that seemed to be unaffected by their presence. The deer in the vicinity did not panic as the creature moved away, which Philip found particularly striking. Towards the end of the interview, Philip briefly mentioned an incident involving a cow with its eye ripped out and ears torn off, which occurred on the same property as the three-toed track discovery. He also mentioned another strange attack on the same property in 1988, where a man's three dogs were involved in a mysterious fight with a large creature. As a curator of this captivating conversation, I encourage you to watch the full interview and explore the mysteries of the Wild Man of Kentucky for yourself. Remember, every piece of information we gather, no matter how seemingly unrelated, adds to our understanding of the world around us and the elusive nature of Bigfoot.