Dr. Paul LeBlanc Honored for Sasquatch Research at BC Scientific Crypto Zoology Club

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from The Sasquatch Archives, a club in British Columbia, Canada, dedicated to the study of cryptozoology, awarded an honorary PhD to the late René Dahinden for his years of research on the mystery of Sasquatch. The video also features a Sasquatch trivia quiz, where participants can win five dollars if they get at least one out of five questions right. One of the questions asked was who coined the term "Abominable Snowman." The answer is Henry Newman. The term was popularized in the 1950s after the discovery of large, human-like footprints in the Himalayas. The term "Abominable Snowman" is often used interchangeably with "Yeti," although some researchers prefer to use the term "Yeti" to refer specifically to the creature believed to inhabit the Himalayas, while "Sasquatch" is used to refer to the creature believed to inhabit North America. Another question asked was what county the Patterson-Gimlin film was made in. The answer is Del Norte County, California. The Patterson-Gimlin film is one of the most famous pieces of evidence for the existence of Sasquatch. It was shot in 1967 and shows a large, hairy, human-like creature walking through the forest. The video also includes a presentation by Dr. Paul LeBlanc, an oceanographer from the University of British Columbia. Dr. LeBlanc's presentation is not related to Sasquatch, but it serves as a reminder that the study of cryptozoology encompasses more than just the search for Bigfoot. Cryptozoology is the study of hidden or unknown animals, and it includes the study of creatures from folklore and myth, as well as animals that are thought to be extinct or not yet discovered. The Sasquatch Archives video is a great reminder of the dedication and passion of Sasquatch researchers and the importance of keeping an open mind when it comes to the study of cryptozoology. The video also highlights the sense of community among Sasquatch enthusiasts and the willingness of researchers to share their knowledge and expertise with others. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and cryptozoology, be sure to check out the Sasquatch Archives YouTube channel and other resources available online. And, if you're feeling particularly confident in your Sasquatch knowledge, why not try your hand at the Sasquatch trivia quiz featured in the video? Who knows, you might just win five dollars!