Mysterious Red-Eyed Beast: A South Carolina Bigfoot Encounter

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot Sightings and Mysterious Deaths of Dogs in Lincolnville, SC Have you ever heard of the small town of Lincolnville, South Carolina? This heavily wooded area near the Ashley River and Lake Moultrie was the site of some strange and unsettling events in the summer of 1970. The YouTube channel TCC Research recently shared a report about a series of Bigfoot sightings and other paranormal activity in the area. According to the report, a group of children playing hide and seek in the woods behind a chain link fence began to notice a foul smell, as if something was dead. As they looked around, they saw red eyes watching them from the woods. These red eyes belonged to a creature that was taller than any human the children had ever seen. The creature, which the children began to call "The Watcher," was first spotted on June 24th and remained in the area for around six months. The children would often see the red eyes in the woods, always accompanied by the awful odor. In addition to the Bigfoot sightings, several dogs in the neighborhood were found with crushed skulls, and the authorities were never able to determine what had happened to them. One night, the witness and her best friend decided to camp out in a mobile home on the property. During the night, they heard something walking around the trailer and hitting it, trying to get in. They could see its shadow every time it came around the trailer. Another night, the family was woken by a loud thud on the side of the house. They went outside and could hear the creature running from the house. They listened as the slow, heavy footsteps reached the fence, went over it, and disappeared into the woods. The witness had a sighting of the creature in early morning sunshine. She described it as looking like an ape, with a conical shaped head, sloping forehead, protruding brow line, hooded eyes, and a grayish brown color. The creature was just standing there, watching her and rocking side to side. A young girl who lived up the street also reported seeing a creature with a lot of hair looking in her window one night. The strange activity and the red eyes in the woods stopped after around six months, leading the witness to believe that the creature had moved on. If you're interested in learning more about this fascinating report, be sure to check out the video on TCC Research's YouTube channel. And if you're a Bigfoot believer, you'll be happy to know that there are many other websites and resources out there for you to explore. One interesting bit of information related to this report is the phenomenon of phantom smells. While the foul odor in this case is likely due to the presence of a Bigfoot, there have been many other reports of phantom smells that cannot be explained. Some people report smelling flowers or perfume in the middle of the night, while others report smelling smoke or gas. While the cause of these phantom smells is not known, some researchers believe that they may be related to paranormal activity or even ghosts. So the next time you notice a strange smell that can't be explained, don't dismiss it outright. It could be a sign of something paranormal or supernatural. And if you're ever in Lincolnville, South Carolina, be sure to keep an eye out for red eyes in the woods. You never know what you might see.