Michigan Resident's Thunderbird Sightings: A Cryptid Encounter

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you ever heard of the Thunderbird, a legendary creature from Native American folklore said to be a giant bird with powerful wings that make a thunderous sound when it flies? Well, a witness has come forward with a sighting that has left many wondering if there might be some truth to the legend. In a video posted on the YouTube channel TCC Research, titled "Thunderbird Sighting | Witness Interview," the witness, Roger, describes his encounter with a massive bird in Riverview, Michigan. Roger was playing night golf with friends when he heard a loud squawk that scared him. When he looked up, he saw a bird with a wingspan of 12-15 feet and a head similar to a turkey vulture, but with a thinner gooseneck and a longer beak. Roger's friend also saw the bird on a different occasion, and they both described it as being far bigger than anything they had ever seen. The bird was sitting on a limb 40-50 feet off the ground, and when it took off, they could hear the flaps of its wings. While the Thunderbird is a creature from Native American folklore, there have been reports of large, mysterious birds throughout history. The California Condor, for example, has a wingspan of up to 9.5 feet, but the bird described by Roger was much larger. Some have suggested that the Thunderbird could be a surviving pterodactyl, a flying reptile that went extinct during the Cretaceous period. While the existence of the Thunderbird remains unproven, sightings like Roger's continue to fuel speculation and intrigue. If you're interested in learning more about the Thunderbird and other mysterious creatures, be sure to check out the video on TCC Research's YouTube channel and do your own research. Who knows, you might just come across something that challenges everything you thought you knew about the natural world. It's important to remember that sightings like Roger's should be respected and taken seriously, as they offer a glimpse into a world that is often unexplained and mysterious. Whether or not you believe in the Thunderbird, there's no denying that there are still many wonders left to discover in our world.