Here's what experts say about this smallfoot photo

Posted Monday, December 31, 2018

By staff

The smallfoot photograph is being circulated again online and many Bigfoot researchers are still curious. The photograph appears to be a barefoot that showed up on someone's game camera. Here's what "experts" are saying and they are dumbfounded. "The anatomy of this foot is giving me heart palpitations. The uniformity of the toes (those saying it doesn’t have a big toe - it could be angled upward and didn’t catch the flash) the elongated heel, the midtarsal flexion lines... and the leg attached way more to the center of the foot than in humans (where it’s at the back)... fuck if this is fake someone did a lot of research beforehand. This is a CRAZY fucking misidentification, an ingenious hoax, or a bigfoot," wrote on person. Another person say it looks human. "Almost looks human, but man that hair on that leg has me. That looks a little too coarse for human hair. If what you prefaced this with yesterday's post is true, then that sir is a very interesting photo you got there. I am by no means a foot anthropologist or whatever you call them, but I am sure someone scientific could get something out of that photo," the person wrote.

Some one even said it looks like guy in a ghillie suit -- but with no big toe? "It actually looks to me like the “hair” is more like a ghillie suit material. Someone out in the woods covered in grass or a ghillie suit and taking off their shoes to make less sound doesn’t sound super far fetched to me," wrote the person. Another person says it's hard to dismiss this photograph as a "hoax". "I think the real question is how are we seeing the bottom of a supposed Sasquatch in the photo? Is it crawling underneath the camera and some other force knocked the camera down and got the shot perfect? the Figure's foot doesn't look like it is matting any grass around it, which is strange. I looked at my foot for some time to see any similarities and besides the muscle right behind the big toe bulging in the photo I could not really see anything else that would immediately dismiss it as a hoax," the person wrote. What do you think? Please comment!