The Bigfoot Trap: A Thrilling Encounter with the Sasquatch Researchers

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

A new Sasquatch-themed movie, "The Bigfoot Trap," has been making waves on YouTube, garnering four million views in just one weekend. The film, written and directed by Aaron Murtice, follows the journey of a journalist named Josh, played by Tyler Weisenhower, who meets Red, the head of the Southern Sasquatch Research Foundation, in the Tennessee mountains. Red, played by Zach Lazar Hoffman, claims to have the only Bigfoot-proof trap, and Josh is tasked with filming the encounter. However, things take an unexpected turn as Josh and Red form an unlikely friendship. The movie has received mixed reviews, with some praising Hoffman's performance as Red, while others prefer Weisenhower's portrayal of Josh. Critics have noted that the film is more of a character study than a typical Sasquatch movie, with a strong focus on the relationship between the two main characters. One interesting aspect of the movie is the use of sound design. The sound team has done an excellent job of creating a score that fits the movie without overpowering it. The cinematography is also noteworthy, with the majority of the film shot in the woods of Tennessee, creating a believable and immersive atmosphere. However, some critics have pointed out that the beginning of the relationship between Josh and Red feels unbelievable, and that some of the dialogue seems forced. Despite these criticisms, the movie has been praised for its solid premise and satisfying ending. In addition to the movie review, the YouTube channel Geek Legion of Doom also touches on an interesting scientific fact. In the video, they mention that Sasquatch is often associated with the Pacific Northwest, but there have been sightings in the Southern United States as well. This is true, as there have been numerous reports of Sasquatch in states such as Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Overall, "The Bigfoot Trap" is an intriguing addition to the Sasquatch movie genre, offering a unique take on the relationship between humans and the elusive creature. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it is definitely worth a watch for those interested in Sasquatch folklore.