Randy's Eye-Opening Encounter: A Detailed Bigfoot Sighting in Golden Ears Park

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! A video recently surfaced on the YouTube channel "RenaissanceMan" featuring Randy and Bobbie Short sharing their Sasquatch experiences at Golden Ears Park. Randy recounts his encounter with a young Sasquatch, describing it as having an average size head and a friendly demeanor. He mentions hearing a hissing sound, which he initially thought was a snake, but turned out to be the Sasquatch. Bobbie shares her experience of leaving pancakes for the Sasquatches and capturing one of the best pictures of a Sasquatch on record. One interesting bit from the video is the story of Seraphine, a woman who was kidnapped by a Sasquatch when she was 15. She would cry for help, and the Sasquatch would just smile at her, which Bobbie finds a bit creepy. Apart from the Sasquatch sightings, the video also touches on the topic of trees. Randy mentions that the Sasquatch he encountered was quite a ways up in a tree. This is not a common occurrence, as Sasquatches are typically associated with the forest floor. However, there is a video on YouTube from 1994 that shows a small, reddish-brown Sasquatch up in a tree. In conclusion, this video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot believer. Randy and Bobbie's experiences provide a unique insight into the world of Sasquatches, and the mention of Seraphine adds an intriguing element to the story. And who knows, the next time you're in the forest, you might just hear a hissing sound or find some pancakes missing!