Mysterious Bipedal Agogway of East African Forests: Eyewitness Accounts and Drawings

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel TCC Research, titled "The Crypto Files | Agogwe | Ep18," the mysterious creature known as the Agogwe is explored. This elusive bipedal creature is said to roam the forests of East Africa and has been reported to be between three and six feet tall, with long arms and long woolly hair. The first recorded sighting of an Agogwe was in 1900 by Captain William Hawkins. Hawkins, who was on a lion hunt at the time, described the beings as two small brown furry creatures walking upright. In 1927, Cuthbert Burgoyne reported seeing two little brown men walk out of the bushes and mix in with a group of baboons. Perhaps one of the most intriguing accounts of the Agogwe comes from Charles Cordier, a professional animal collector who followed the tracks of an Agogwe in Zaire in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Cordier's experiences add credibility to the existence of this elusive creature. The video also includes an early drawing of an Agogwe, which gives viewers a glimpse into what this mysterious creature may look like. The Agogwe is a fascinating and little-known cryptid, and this video serves as a great introduction to those interested in learning more about it. In addition to the Agogwe, the video also touches on the topic of Bigfoot, a well-known and widely believed cryptid. While the Agogwe and Bigfoot are different creatures, they both share a common thread as elusive and mysterious bipedal creatures. If you're interested in learning more about the Agogwe, or if you're a Bigfoot believer looking to expand your knowledge of other cryptids, this video is definitely worth a watch. TCC Research does an excellent job of presenting the information in an engaging and informative way. You can check out the video on YouTube and see for yourself the fascinating world of the Agogwe.