Cryptid Huntress Explores Mysterious Children-Bear Encounters: Join the Investigation
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Remote Viewing Children Protected by Mysterious Creatures in the Wilderness
Have you ever heard of children claiming to be protected by wild animals in the woods? It might sound far-fetched, but there have been numerous accounts of this phenomenon throughout history. The Cryptid Huntress, a popular YouTube channel, decided to explore this mystery through remote viewing. In a recent video, she delved into two cases, one from 2019 and another from 1955, where children claimed to be cared for by bears in the wilderness.
Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. In this case, The Cryptid Huntress used remote viewing to investigate these intriguing stories. She was joined by her guest, John vandeventer, author of The Relic series, who offered his insights on the subject.
The first case involved a three-year-old boy who went missing in the woods in 2019 and was found alive, claiming that bears had taken care of him. The second case was from 1955, where a little girl, around two years old, from Montana, had a similar experience. These stories prompted The Cryptid Huntress to explore the possibility that these children might have encountered something other than bears.
As Bigfoot believers, we can't help but wonder if Sasquatch could have been involved in these incidents. Sasquatch is known to be elusive and often associated with forests and wilderness areas. Could these mysterious creatures have played a role in protecting these children?
During the video, John vandeventer mentioned that there were many more cases of children being protected by wild animals in the woods. He also mentioned that these stories can be found in David Politis's book series, North American Bigfoot. These accounts might seem repetitive, but they highlight the consistency of this phenomenon.
It's important to note that The Cryptid Huntress is open to suggestions for remote viewing targets from her audience. If you have any ideas, feel free to reach out to her.
If you're interested in supporting The Cryptid Huntress and gaining access to her raw remote viewing data, consider becoming a member of her Patreon. This is where she shares sensitive targets and information that she doesn't discuss publicly.
In the world of the unknown and the mysterious, stories like these remind us to keep an open mind and explore the possibilities. Who knows – maybe Sasquatch is playing a more significant role in our world than we realize.
To learn more about these fascinating cases and hear The Cryptid Huntress's remote viewing results, watch the full video on The Cryptid Huntress YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you won't miss any future videos.
In the meantime, keep an open mind, stay curious, and remember that the truth is out there.