Colorado Investigator's Encounters: One Man's Sasquatch Hunting Observations
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Have you ever heard of the term "strange animal kills" before? If not, let me enlighten you. These are unexplained animal deaths that have been found across the United States for a long time and are normally dismissed. However, in recent years, with the increasing awareness of the North American hominid known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot, it has become more apparent that such strange kills could be the work of these elusive creatures.
A YouTube channel called Modern Explorer recently shared a fascinating story about their encounter with a Sasquatch in the mountains of Colorado. The founder of the channel came across strange animal kills in the same area and didn't know how to categorize them. It wasn't until 2012 that an encounter with a Sasquatch changed his perception and paradigm of the wilds forever.
In 2015, he decided to face his fears by conducting his own long-term investigation in the same area he had his first encounter. He went to the same area every other night for three months before any interactions occurred. Afterwards, every single night for a month and a half, pebbles would hit his Jeep, and these nightly visitors would also look in the windows and smack the door to get his attention.
During his investigation, he uncovered physical evidence in the woods that these nightly encounters were occurring. He found nest sites with strange and recognizable hair, hand and foot impressions, and even strange deer kills that still have not been able to be explained to this day by wildlife professionals.
One night, while observing a large buck, he threw pebbles at it to see if there would be any response. The buck didn't flinch or even acknowledge his presence, which became a regular ceremony for the three months before the group of Sasquatches moved in.
Once those North American hominids came in and started interacting with the Jeep, all the deer that would normally lay in grace nearby at night left within two weeks. On some nights, the small herd of deer would stand right next to the Jeep for hours, waiting for the silent predators working in the forest to throw pebbles at him and his girlfriend.
Every morning around 5 am, he would wake up and do a walkthrough of the immediate area, noting any new changes. Sometimes there would be new manipulation of the environment, and upon investigation, he would find entire trees or bushes snapped like an angry fit had occurred.
One day, while walking down a trail, he heard something hit behind him. Looking back, he wondered if it could be a deliberate throw from an intelligent being or just something that shook loose and fell from a tree. Turning around, he continued to walk, and all of a sudden, something else was thrown. This time, he was convinced that this was an interaction occurring.
He quickly concluded that the Sasquatch was hunting and that he had built enough rapport with this hominid where it felt comfortable enough to engage him during the day, especially with such a tasty opportunity walking right into its grasp.
Mateo got excited and was thinking of the best strategy to flank and push this buck into the woods where the Sasquatch lay in wait. It was his hope that if successful, this might forge a stronger bond with this family of North American hominids.
The wind was in the Sasquatch's favor, and the buck was about halfway through the meadow when the wind changed and started coming down the hill. That is when this buck stopped dead in its tracks and sniffed the air. Its eyes widened in horror, and Mateo says he never saw a deer run with so much speed and urgency in his life.
This was just one of many events that occurred during this one and a half month period interacting with a family of Sasquatch. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on Modern Explorer's YouTube channel. And as always, happy squatching!