Alaskan Trucker's Encounter: 7-Foot Tall Bigfoot with Unique Gait
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Truckin' with Tim and the Kenai Sasquatch
If you're a long-haul trucker, you know that the road can be a lonely place. But for Tim, a trucker from the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, the road turned out to be more than just a quiet companion. In this episode of the Bigfoot Society podcast, Tim shares his encounters with a mysterious figure he saw while driving down the Seward Highway.
Tim was driving along the highway, surrounded by the vast wilderness of Alaska, when he saw someone walking across the road. At first, he thought it was just a person, but as he got closer, he realized that this was no ordinary pedestrian. The figure was tall, with long hair and wearing dark brown corduroys and a light tan shirt. But what really caught Tim's attention was the way the figure moved - it was slow and deliberate, not seeming to care about anything.
As Tim drove past, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something unusual about the figure. He checked his mirrors, but there was no one behind him. It was then that he realized that the figure had disappeared. Tim couldn't believe what he had just seen, and he tried to come up with a logical explanation for it. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that there was no way it could have been a person.
Tim's second encounter happened just a short distance away from the first. He was passing through the same area a few months later when he saw something strange in the snow. It looked like human footprints, but they were too big to be human. Tim had seen moose tracks before, but these were different. They were almost perfectly shaped, and there was no sign of any other animal tracks nearby.
Tim's experiences are a reminder that the wilderness can still hold many mysteries. While we may not have definitive proof of Bigfoot's existence, stories like Tim's continue to fuel our fascination with the creature. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own encounter with the elusive Sasquatch.
If you're interested in learning more about Tim's experiences, be sure to check out the Bigfoot Society podcast. And in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled next time you're out on the road - you never know what you might see.
Before we wrap up, here's a fun fact: Did you know that the Seward Highway is named after William H. Seward, who served as Secretary of State under Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson? Seward was instrumental in the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, and the highway is a tribute to his contributions to the state. So the next time you're driving down the Seward Highway, take a moment to appreciate the history behind the road - and keep an eye out for any mysterious figures that might be lurking in the wilderness.