Ex-Soldier's Encounter: Bigfoot Sighting at Fort Lewis Base (1978)

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you ever heard of the term "Cryptids"? These are creatures whose existence has not been proven by science, but are reported to have been seen by people all over the world. In a recent video from the YouTube channel TCC Research, a fascinating story was shared about a soldier's encounter with a Cryptid on a military base in Washington state. The soldier, whose name is Edwin Godoy, was on duty at Fort Lewis Air Force Base in 1978. He was tasked to guard a truck that had broken down near a wooded area close to the base. At around 3 AM, he noticed a huge, humanoid figure around 300 meters away from him. The figure was extremely tall, wide, and hairy, with blood red eyes that shone brightly in the dark. Edwin was startled when the creature started charging towards him. He hollered for it to halt and identify itself, but the creature kept coming. In fear for his life, he fired his rifle in the air and then at the creature, which eventually stopped and ran to the right. When Edwin inspected the area, he found footprints and blood, which were later collected by the base's mechanics. The incident was taken seriously by the base's authorities, and Edwin was debriefed by a Naval Colonel. He underwent various tests, including a geiger counter test to detect radiation. All his tests came back negative, but he was still threatened by the government to keep the encounter a secret. This story is a reminder that there are still many mysteries in our world that science has yet to explain. It also shows how the government may be hiding information from the public, just like in the infamous Roswell New Mexico 1947 crash, where alien creatures were supposedly taken out of the spacecraft. At Squatchable, we believe in the existence of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, and we respect all Cryptids and their believers. We understand that there are things in this world that are unseen and unproven, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. As the video's host said, "just because you don't see something doesn't mean somebody else hasn't seen it or experienced it." So, the next time you're out in the woods, keep an open mind and an open eye. Who knows, you might just encounter a Cryptid yourself. Don't forget to watch the full video on TCC Research's YouTube channel to learn more about Edwin's encounter and other Cryptid sightings.