Sasquatch Migration Routes: Investigating Sierras to Mojave with Eli Watson and Matt Moneymaker

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Small Town Monsters, host Eli Watson explores the possibility of Sasquatch migration routes in Southern California. The video, titled "Sasquatch of the Southern Sierras | Mysteries & Monsters" (, delves into the unique terrain of the region and how it may impact the movement of Sasquatch. Eli Watson describes Southern California as a series of "sky islands," or mountain ranges surrounded by lower elevation dry areas. These mountain ranges, he explains, provide a habitat for a variety of wildlife, including Sasquatch, as they offer trees, pine, and potentially, food and water sources. The desert areas, on the other hand, are less frequented by both humans and wildlife due to the lack of roads and recreational activities. One interesting point made in the video is the idea that Sasquatch may move from mountain range to mountain range in search of food and water during the dry summer months. Eli Watson suggests that this pattern of movement could explain some of the desert sightings of Sasquatch throughout the years. The video also touches on the concept of Sasquatch using the Mojave riverbed as a quick transverse between the mountains. This theory is supported by the fact that footprint investigations have been conducted in the Mojave riverbed in the past, with evidence found. Eli Watson also mentions the name "Yucca man," a common name associated with Sasquatch sightings in the Mojave Desert area. One notable report from 1979 in Desert Hot Springs describes a witness encountering a tan-colored, bipedal creature while leaving their driveway. The witness, who did not speak about the sighting right away due to fear and disbelief, later found out that the locals referred to this creature as "Yucca man." Overall, the video from Small Town Monsters offers an interesting perspective on the potential movement of Sasquatch in Southern California and the unique challenges and opportunities that the region presents. We encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the topic.