Sasquatch Field Research: Respectful Methods for Mysterious Encounters

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you've probably heard of some dangerous and harmful ways to communicate with and research Sasquatch. From blasting rock music in the woods to leaving out human food and planting caged primates in the wilderness, these tactics can disturb Sasquatch's habitat, prey, and resources. In a recent video posted on YouTube by The Forest Fleur, the channel's host shares her thoughts on Sasquatch research and emphasizes the importance of respecting these elusive creatures. She encourages researchers to approach their fieldwork from a scientific standpoint and avoid unsafe human interaction. One interesting bit of information that the host shares is the demise of the chimpanzees of Gombe caused by unsafe human interaction. This highlights the potential harm that humans can cause to wildlife, including Sasquatch, when they don't take proper precautions. Instead of using harmful tactics, the host suggests remaining quiet and letting Sasquatch come to you. If you've found the right area, it won't be long before you have an encounter. She also recommends intriguing Sasquatch with something they likely won't touch, like Christmas lights on your tent. As Bigfoot believers, it's important to remember that Sasquatch is not an animal or a beast, but a mysterious and elusive creature that deserves our respect. By following the advice of experienced researchers like Diane Fosse and Jane Goodall, we can conduct our research with the utmost respect for Sasquatch and its habitat. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch research and how to respect these creatures, be sure to check out The Forest Fleur's video on YouTube. And as always, we encourage our readers to approach Sasquatch with an open mind and a deep appreciation for the mystery and wonder that surrounds them.