Swimming Bigfoot and Kushtaka: Unveiling Cryptid Connections

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Barry Littleton, the topic of Sasquatch and swimming is explored. It's fascinating to consider the various accounts of Sasquatch sightings and the characteristics that come up repeatedly in these reports. One such characteristic is the ability of Sasquatch to swim, often for extended periods of time and over great distances. This is particularly interesting when you consider that gorillas, which are great apes like Sasquatch, do not swim. In fact, gorillas avoid deep water due to certain anatomical features. Chimps and orangutans, on the other hand, can wade and dive for fish, but they cannot swim in the same way that Sasquatch reportedly can. This leads to the question of what DNA factors could be at play that allow Sasquatch to swim in this way. As Barry Littleton points out in the video, humans have mitochondrial DNA that allows us to swim, but the nuclear DNA of Sasquatch is thought to be of an extraterrestrial type. This could potentially explain their swimming abilities, as well as other unique characteristics. The video also touches on the idea of a laboratory project being released in Alaska, which some people have mistaken for a swimming Sasquatch. This is reminiscent of the kushtaka, or otter man, which is also seen in Alaska and has different characteristics than the average Sasquatch. It's always interesting to consider the various possibilities and theories surrounding Sasquatch, and the topic of swimming is no exception. Be sure to check out the full video for more details and insights.