Pennsylvania Bigfoot Habitation? Woven Tree Structure & Giant Toe Print Findings
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube by the channel BIGFOOT NYTODD. The video, titled "Tree weave collected, preserved. Bigfoot Sasquatch. Allegheny National Forest Pennsylvania," showcases a unique tree weave that the homeowner and others have experienced in a location just inside the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.
The tree weave is made up of two sapling tops that have been brought together and intricately woven. The homeowner mentions that people have tried pulling them apart and duplicating the weave, but to no avail. Additionally, there are other parts of the sapling that are woven together, which the homeowner suggests could be used for tool handles.
The homeowner also mentions that they have found footprints in the area, which they have casted and kept as a "trophy." They mention that the great toe prints are particularly distinct, and that they have found handprints on windows with sebum, which suggests primitive hands with thumbs down.
As a curator of interesting videos and information related to the paranormal and unexplained, I found this video to be particularly fascinating. The tree weave is a unique and intriguing find, and the footprints and handprints mentioned by the homeowner add an extra layer of mystery to the situation.
In addition to the tree weave and footprints, the homeowner also mentions that they are attempting to preserve the tree weave using water, real maple syrup, and olive oil, which contain glycerin and can help preserve the leaves. This is a useful tip for anyone who may come across a similar find and want to preserve it.
It's important to note that the video does not explicitly mention Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but the location and the mysterious nature of the tree weave and footprints certainly lend themselves to the possibility of a Bigfoot connection.
In conclusion, I highly recommend checking out the video for yourself and seeing the tree weave and hearing the homeowner's firsthand account of their findings. Who knows, it may just add another piece to the puzzle of the existence of Bigfoot. And as always, keep an open mind and an eye out for the unexplained.