Sasquatch Sighting in 1920s Texas: A Hidden Paranormal Tale

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Sasquatch Mom," the channel's host takes viewers on a journey to the towns of Rockdale and Lexington, located east of Austin, Texas. The video explores a fascinating tale from the 1920s involving Sasquatch or Sasquatch-like creatures known as the Gugwe. According to the story, a person who had succumbed to the Spanish flu was buried on a piece of property between Rockdale and Lexington. However, the body was later unburied, and several attacks were reported in the area. The creatures responsible for these attacks were described as having a baboon or canine-like snout, making them quite distinct from the typical Sasquatch. During their investigation, Sasquatch Mom and her husband visited the Museum of the Weird in Austin, where they encountered various intriguing artifacts, including a replica of the Minnesota Iceman and some Bigfoot-related items. The Minnesota Iceman is a legendary creature that was displayed in the late 1960s, and its existence has been the subject of much debate and speculation. The video also touches upon some peculiar occurrences in the eastern part of Austin, as reported by Sasquatch Mom's husband. While they couldn't conduct any in-depth research on private property, the couple followed the trail of the Gugwe story, taking viewers along for the ride. In addition to the Gugwe tale, the video offers a captivating account of the Minnesota Iceman and shares some eerie experiences from the Museum of the Weird. Whether you're a seasoned Sasquatch researcher or simply a curious enthusiast, this video is sure to pique your interest and leave you wanting to learn more about these mysterious creatures and their potential connections to other paranormal phenomena. To delve deeper into the Gugwe story and the area around Rockdale and Lexington, be sure to check out episode 78 of the Paranormal Roundtable. And, of course, we encourage you to watch the original video on the Sasquatch Mom YouTube channel to experience the full story firsthand.