Bigfoot Leaves Evidence at Inyo National Forest Camp

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Summer camp should be a time for making memories, not encountering the unexplained. But that's exactly what happened to a group of campers in the late 70s, as recounted in a video by the YouTube channel Base Camp Chris. The video, titled "Summer CAMP Adventure was More Fun than They Expected! | PLUS Interview!" features an interview with a California man named David, who as a child attended a summer camp in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Mammoth. During one of their weekend trips to a series of lakes called the Sherwin lakes, and David and his fellow campers stumbled upon something truly bizarre. As they made their way up the mountain, they noticed a large tree blocking the trail. But they quickly realized that this wasn't just any tree. In fact, it was a freshly fallen pine tree, and it had something strange in its branches. "Right away we could smell this horrible stench," David recalls. "Just a really horrible putrid terrible smell in the air." But the strange sight didn't end there. In the branches of the tree, they saw what appeared to be a deer, torn in half. "It looked like it had been torn in two pieces," David says. "It was just laying there in the branches." "We noticed some very large footprints in the dirt," he continues. "Large human-like footprints, and it looked like something had been busy in the area." The campers didn't know what to make of the strange sight, but they continued on their way, eventually setting up camp for the night. But the strange occurrences didn't end there. "That night, we smelled the same horrible stench again," David says. "And we heard something walking around our camp all night long." The next morning, David discovered the other half of the deer hanging from a tree near their campsite. And the footprints they had seen the day before were still there, leading to the tree. The group never saw whatever left the footprints, but the experience has stayed with David for a lifetime. But the video isn't just a retelling of a strange encounter. It's also an opportunity to learn about the experience and the area. For example, the Sherwin lakes are located in the Inyo National Forest, California's largest national forest, which covers over 1.9 million acres. The word "Inyo" means "dwelling place of the great spirit" in the language of the Paiute people, who lived in the area for thousands of years before European settlers arrived. The area is also home to a wide variety of wildlife, including black bears, mountain lions, and deer. But the strange footprints that David and his friends saw didn't match any known animal in the area. So what did they see that day in the Sierra Nevada mountains? The answer remains a mystery. But for David, the experience has only fueled his lifelong love of the outdoors and the mysteries it holds. "It was definitely a strange experience, but it's one I'll never forget," he says. "It just goes to show that you never know what you'll find when you're out in the wilderness." If you're interested in learning more about David's strange encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Base Camp Chris YouTube channel. And if you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll be fascinated by the strange footprints and the eerie feeling that something was watching the campers that night. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot. Until then, we can only wonder and explore the mysteries of the wilderness.