Bigfoot Sighting in Oregon's Santiam Pass: New Evidence Uncovered

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot sightings are a common occurrence in certain parts of the country, and the Santiam Pass in Oregon is one of those hotspots. A witness named Lori recently shared her intense Bigfoot encounter with the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, and it's a fascinating account. Lori was driving on the highway when she encountered a herd of elk that were running in fear. As she got closer, she saw that a Bigfoot was chasing them. The creature was at least eight feet tall, with long hair covering its body. Lori was able to get a good look at the Bigfoot's face, which she described as "an ape-like man's face." The area where Lori's encounter took place is no stranger to Bigfoot sightings. The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch team has been on several expeditions in the area and has found evidence of Bigfoot activity. In fact, a college graduate conducted a study in Colorado that found that Bigfoot sightings often occur at the same elevations as elk herds. This suggests that Bigfoot may be following the elk and eating the same food they do. Another witness, Lynn, shared his own Bigfoot experience from the same area. In 1984, Lynn was deer hunting in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area when he came across a human-like footprint that was over 18 inches long. Ten years later, he saw another footprint in the Goat Mountain area that was 16 inches long. These footprints are consistent with the dimensions of an adult Bigfoot impression. These sightings and evidence of Bigfoot activity in the Santiam Pass area are compelling. While we cannot say for certain that Bigfoot exists, the number of sightings and evidence found in this area suggest that there is something unusual going on. We encourage our readers to watch the full video and share their own thoughts and experiences with us.