Louisiana Boyhood Memories: Encounters with a Bigfoot Family
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel "Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa," a man named Jeff shares his childhood experiences of encounters with what he believes to be a Bigfoot family. The video, titled "Jeff Recalls Childhood Bigfoot Family Encounters For Two Years! Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa!" takes us on a journey back to the early 1970s in Louisiana, Missouri.
Jeff and his friend would often play pitch and catch near Star Hill, and it was during these games that they began to notice strange occurrences. Balls would roll into the woods and come flying back out, and eventually, a small, hairy creature appeared, throwing the ball back to them. This went on for two years, and Jeff describes seeing two smaller Bigfoots and two larger ones, as well as a possible parental pair.
The creatures were mostly seen in the late summer and early fall, which Jeff suspects may have something to do with the availability of food in the area. He also notes the presence of old rock shelters on the north side of the hill, which he believes the Bigfoots may have used for shelter during the winter months.
One particularly interesting part of Jeff's story is when he and his friend heard the mother Bigfoot scream. They later found three dead coyotes in the woods, and Jeff speculates that the mother may have been trying to warn them of danger.
As Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers, it's always fascinating to hear about firsthand accounts of possible Bigfoot sightings. The video also provides some interesting insights into the possible behavior and habits of these elusive creatures.
If you're interested in learning more about Jeff's experiences, be sure to check out the full video on the "Bigfoot Adventures With Lisa" YouTube channel. And as always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and a keen eye for any signs of Bigfoot in their own communities.