Bigfoot Sounds: Test Your Discernment with Critical Listening

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

As a paranormal reporter and avid Bigfoot enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for new and intriguing Bigfoot-related content. Recently, I came across a video by The Squatchin' Cowboy, titled "Just STOP the BS!!" The video caught my attention as it addressed some common misconceptions in the Bigfoot community. The Squatchin' Cowboy, a 100% Bigfoot believer, expressed his frustration with some of the claims made by other Bigfoot researchers on YouTube. He emphasized that not all tree breaks or tree arches are caused by Bigfoot, and that some sounds and sights that people attribute to Bigfoot might actually be other animals or natural phenomena. One interesting point he made was about the importance of research and not jumping to conclusions based on limited evidence. He shared an example of a researcher who saw something out of the corner of his eye and later discovered it was just a dark spot in the bushes. While the researcher initially thought it might be a Bigfoot, he went back to investigate and found no further evidence to support his initial assumption. This is a valuable reminder for all of us in the Bigfoot community. It's important to approach our research with an open mind and a critical eye. Just because something might initially appear to be evidence of Bigfoot, doesn't necessarily mean it is. By conducting thorough research and considering all possible explanations, we can ensure that our beliefs and conclusions are based on solid evidence. The Squatchin' Cowboy also shared a video of various animal sounds, challenging his viewers to close their eyes and listen carefully. He encouraged them to consider whether the sounds could be mistaken for Bigfoot, emphasizing the importance of being able to distinguish between different sounds in the forest. In addition to these points, the video also touched on the topic of skunk apes, a cryptid similar to Bigfoot that is said to inhabit the southeastern United States. The Squatchin' Cowboy mentioned a video featuring Eric K Swanson, Matt Larson, Max powers, and another researcher, which explores the possibility of skunk apes in the area. Overall, The Squatchin' Cowboy's video is a great reminder for all of us in the Bigfoot community to approach our research with a critical eye and an open mind. By doing so, we can ensure that our beliefs and conclusions are based on solid evidence and help to further our understanding of this elusive creature. I encourage all of our readers to check out the video for themselves and continue to explore the fascinating world of Bigfoot research.