Sasquatch Encounters and UFOs: A Coloradan's Extraordinary Experience

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Smokey Sasquatch Stories & Survival, a fascinating account of a possible connection between Sasquatch and extraterrestrial beings was shared. The video, titled "SASQUATCH and UFOs? New VIDEO Evidence [2023]," features a witness from Colorado who goes by the name Douglas R. Douglas R, a resident of a remote area near a national forest, has had numerous encounters with Sasquatch over the years. He often hears their calls coming from the tree line in his backyard, and has even captured recordings of their vocalizations. However, one particular evening stood out to him. After hearing loud yelping noises from the Sasquatch, Douglas R saw a bright light hovering in the sky right above the trees where the calls were coming from. The object was moving slowly and flashing various colors, with a red laser beam shape coming off of it. He managed to capture the object on video, which he sent to the YouTube channel. Douglas R shared his thoughts on the possible connection between Sasquatch and extraterrestrial beings, stating, "I've been seeing weird things in the sky like this for years, but it wasn't until fairly recently that I learned there's a pattern to it. I see them almost every evening, I hear calls in the forest, and it's always right above where I hear them from." He went on to say, "Some of their calls have a certain pitch to them, and I've noticed that whenever I hear that type of call, the sort of yelping call, later that evening, I'll see that thing right above where I heard them from. It's real interesting and definitely something to look into." The possibility of Sasquatch being connected to extraterrestrial beings is not a new concept. Some believe that Sasquatch may be messengers to beings outside of our world, or that they may even be extraterrestrial beings themselves. In the video, Douglas R also shared that he has seen Sasquatch's eyes, describing them as "black and glossy orbs staring straight into your aura." He added, "It gives me goosebumps every time I think of their faces. Anyone would agree that eye contact is an experience of terror that one would never forget. That's for sure. I've seen plenty of them, but I hear them more often than I see them." In addition to the Sasquatch encounter, the video also briefly touched on a possible solution for deterring Sasquatch from entering a farmer's property. The farmer, Dawson, shared that he set up motion-detected floodlights at the border of his farm, and the Sasquatch have since kept their distance. This video provides an intriguing account of a possible connection between Sasquatch and extraterrestrial beings, as well as a potential solution for deterring Sasquatch from entering private property. It is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the world of Sasquatch.