2012 Michigan Bigfoot Encounter: Witness Describes Gorilla-like Head and Sharp Canines

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A few years back, a young man had an encounter with something extraordinary while fishing in northern Michigan. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared his experience on the YouTube channel "My Bigfoot Sighting" in a video titled "I Think I Had a Bigfoot Sighting! - My Bigfoot Sighting Shorts Episode 6." The witness recounts his experience of fishing in a river near his home when he heard a loud splash in the water. He then saw a massive, nine-foot-tall, black-haired creature leaning over the water, looking directly at him. The creature had broad shoulders, bare cheeks, brown skin, and canine teeth, similar to a gorilla's. The witness was so shocked that he couldn't move or make a sound, and the creature eventually disappeared into the woods. The witness's description of the creature is consistent with many other Bigfoot sightings reported across North America. The creature's height, build, and fur color match the typical description of a Bigfoot. Additionally, the witness's description of the creature's head shape and facial features is also similar to other sightings. Interestingly, the witness also mentioned that the area was unusually quiet after the encounter, with all the birds having disappeared. This is not uncommon in Bigfoot sightings, as the creature's presence can often cause a disturbance in the local wildlife. Another fascinating aspect of this sighting is the witness's description of the creature's movements. He mentioned that the creature moved with ease, transitioning from all fours to upright with incredible agility. This observation supports the theory that Bigfoot is a highly adaptable creature, capable of moving through various terrains with ease. The witness also mentioned that he heard a loud "boom" sound after the encounter, which he later identified as the "knock" sound associated with Bigfoot. This sound is often described as a loud, resonant knock, similar to the sound of someone hitting a tree with a baseball bat. Overall, this sighting is a fascinating addition to the body of Bigfoot evidence. The witness's detailed description of the creature and its behavior, as well as the other unusual occurrences during the encounter, all support the possibility of a Bigfoot sighting. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on "My Bigfoot Sighting" YouTube channel.