Surviving a Grizzly Encounter: A Hunter's Sasquatch Encounter in Bella Coola

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Cryptids Canada, a witness shares their harrowing encounter with a grizzly bear and the unexpected intervention of a Sasquatch. The video, titled "CC EPISODE 555 WHY DID SASQUATCH HELP ME," offers a detailed account of the witness's experience, highlighting the importance of being prepared while hunting and the protective nature of Sasquatch. The witness, who had been married for just a month, lost their grandfather unexpectedly. As the sole heir, they inherited their grandfather's estate, which included a cabin in Bella Coola. It was there, during a hunting trip in May 2003, that the witness encountered a grizzly bear. While following a deer trail, the witness sensed something mimicking their steps. As they approached a dried-out riverbank, they saw a mother grizzly with her cubs. In a panic, the witness tried to climb the riverbank, but the bear gave chase. It was then that they heard a deep, ferocious scream, unlike anything they had ever heard before. The scream, not from the bear, startled the grizzly, allowing the witness to escape. The witness believes that they encountered a Sasquatch, who had been playing a trick on them by mimicking their steps. The Sasquatch, protective of the witness, scared off the bear and saved their life. In this captivating video, the witness emphasizes the importance of being prepared while hunting. They also share their belief in the protective nature of Sasquatch, highlighting the creature's intelligence and empathetic connection to humans. To fully appreciate this incredible story, we encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts in the comments below. This video is a testament to the mysterious and fascinating world of cryptids and the role they may play in our lives. Before closing, here's a fun fact: Did you know that the term "Sasquatch" is derived from the Salishan word "sésquac," meaning "wild man"? This linguistic connection further emphasizes the deep-rooted cultural significance of Sasquatch in Indigenous communities. Stay curious, and keep exploring the world of Sasquatch with us at Squatchable.