Hiker Tracks Sasquatch near Mill Pond: Bears, Wolves, and Gold Oh My!

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Selkirk Range Sasquatch, host Bill Bisson takes us on a journey through the beautiful Pacific Northwest in search of the elusive Selkirk Mountain Sasquatch. As a curator for Squatchable, I was excited to watch this video and share my thoughts with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. Bill begins by exploring the area around the historic Mill Pond, which was once a dam and an ancient bridge. He brings along a pair of compact binoculars, noting that they are half the size of a full set and perfect for traveling light while still being able to see far into the distance. This is a great tip for any Sasquatch hunters out there, as being able to observe your surroundings is crucial to a successful expedition. As Bill hikes along the trail, he points out various tracks he finds along the way. While many of them belong to wolves and bears, he also finds what he believes to be a cougar print. However, he notes that the print is not deep, which is unusual for a Sasquatch track. This is an important reminder for all of us to always be examining the details of any potential Sasquatch evidence we come across. One interesting bit that Bill shares is the history of the Mill Pond area. He explains that the dam was removed and the area was brought back to its natural state, which is now a popular spot for hikers and nature enthusiasts. This is a great example of the importance of preserving natural habitats and allowing them to thrive. Towards the end of the video, Bill and his companion, Will, come across two trees that were snapped in half. Bill believes that these trees were broken by a Sasquatch, as they are solid green and show no signs of disease or decay. However, Will is not so sure and suggests that erosion may be the cause. This is a great reminder that not everyone shares our belief in Sasquatch, and it's important to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to consider other possibilities. Overall, this video from Selkirk Range Sasquatch is a great example of the beauty and mystery of the Pacific Northwest. As curators for Squatchable, we are always excited to come across new videos and share our thoughts with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. So, be sure to check out this video and let us know what you think!