Bigfoot Sightings in Wadley, Alabama: Personal Encounters & Historical Insights

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of the Wadley giant ape or monkey? If not, you're in for a treat. A video from the YouTube channel algabigfootresearchgroup takes us on a journey back to Wadley, Alabama in 1971, where a series of sightings of a mysterious creature occurred. The video begins with the narrator sharing their thoughts on Bigfoot, questioning whether it's a myth, legend, hoax, or a real flesh and blood creature. They also ponder the significance of Native American cultures' stories about Bigfoot. After two separate sightings, the narrator became intrigued and began researching Bigfoot over 15 years ago, and they feel their journey is just beginning. The first sighting took place near Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on the outskirts of Wadley on Highway 77. A police officer and his ride-along buddy saw something on the roof of a school building, which they initially thought was a buzzard. However, when they shined a spotlight on it, they saw a "giant monkey" run to the other end of the school and jump off the roof right in front of their car. A few weeks later, another policeman saw a similar creature walking towards his car while he was watching traffic near a manufacturing plant and Southern Union Community College. The creature was walking in a serious manner, and by the time the cop got out of his car, it had left black marks on the road. The third sighting occurred when a boy saw a Bigfoot coming out of the woods near the church. The boy and his friends went back to the church and found footprints leading towards the old school building. The video also mentions an old house with a big Oak Tree in the front yard where hunters saw a Bigfoot in the tree. When the man got out of his truck, the Bigfoot jumped out of the tree and killed a few of his dogs. While the video doesn't provide any concrete evidence of Bigfoot's existence, it's an interesting account of sightings and experiences that have been passed down through the years. The video also highlights the importance of preserving these stories and continuing to explore the possibility of Bigfoot's existence. If you're interested in learning more about the Wadley giant ape or monkey, be sure to check out the Alabama Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay squatchable!