North Java Resident's thrilling Bigfoot Encounters: Teepee Structures and Mysterious Footprints

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard the sound of wood knocks or whooping calls echoing through the forest? According to Dan Dodson, a resident of North Java, Upstate New York, these sounds, along with other strange occurrences, have been happening in the woods behind his house. Dan's experiences began just over a year ago when he heard wood knocks and whooping calls coming from the woods behind his house. The coyotes that usually roam the area went completely silent after the whooping calls, which Dan describes as sounding like a chimpanzee or gorilla. After this initial encounter, Dan began to notice strange things in the woods, such as a teepee-like stick structure and odd human-like footprints in the snow. Dan's landlord owns the property behind his house, and after buying up the surrounding cabins, he gave Dan permission to explore the land. This is when Dan discovered multiple different types of stick structures and large impressions in the grass. Dan has also recorded strange sounds in the woods, which he believes to be mock owl calls made by Sasquatch. Mock owl calls are a vocalization made by Sasquatch that mimic the sound of an owl. Dan's recordings of these calls match the mating call of the barred owl, but the barred owl's mating season had already ended. Dan also noticed that the calls seemed to be coming from a group of individuals, which is unusual for barred owls. Dan has been interested in Sasquatch since he was a child and first saw Harry and the Hendersons. He didn't become super interested until about 10 years ago when he realized that Sasquatch doesn't just exist in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, Sasquatch has been spotted in almost every state except Hawaii. The property behind Dan's house is a registered game management area, which provides a steady supply of food and water for Sasquatch. The woods are a mix of forests and farm fields, with other houses scattered throughout. Dan has also discovered that there have been other reported sightings and strange occurrences in the area within the last few years. If you're interested in learning more about Dan's experiences and the strange occurrences in the woods behind his house, be sure to check out the video on Linda Eastburn's YouTube channel. Who knows, you might just hear a mock owl call or two.